WordPress Page Builder with its Features 2

WordPress Page Builder with its Features

WordPress at its core is the simplest, most popular way to create your own blog or website. In fact, over 37.6 percent of all websites on the Internet are powered by WordPress. Yes-WordPress is likely to power more than one in four websites you visit. In a somewhat more technological level, WordPress is a GPLv2 certified open-source content management program, which ensures that anybody may download or change the WordPress platform for free. A content management system is basically a tool that makes it easy – like content – to manage important aspects of your website without having to know anything about programming.

Which makes so more of a popular WordPress & what is it put to? There are at least a handful of reasons:

  • WordPress is free. You can download it right now with no money involved at all.
  • WordPress is open-source. It’s a community project built by thousands of volunteers around the globe. Everyone can participate. Anyone will build on WordPress and further support the site.
  • WordPress is chic. If some feature in the website software is considered “a standard,” you can be sure that WordPress has that feature.
  • WordPress is polyvalent. It can operate websites of any kind. If it’s a basic company website, a forum, a picture site, a leisure site, a qualified corporate website, a portfolio website, a wedding site, a wellness site, a registry page, or an e-commerce shop, WordPress will manage it quickly.
  • WordPress is accessible and user-friendly. It can be used by users with impaired vision with no problem.
  • WordPress works on all screen sizes and devices. You can access your website via a desktop, laptop, tablet, phone.
  • WordPress is extensible. With the help of plugins you can attach custom functionality to WordPress. Think of plugins as your website’s “apps” (like your iPhone apps, but for your website).
  • WordPress is beautiful. WordPress provides thousands upon thousands of free and affordable template sets (called themes). These can be activated with one press.

Looking for a simple way to build and personalize your WordPress site? That’s where designer plugins for WordPress sites come in handy.

Builders of WordPress pages allow you to build, update and configure your website layout without writing code.

Here are only a few samples of the kinds of websites you might use WordPress to build:

  • Blog – A blog is a special type of website devoted to sharing thoughts, photos, reviews, tutorials, recipes and so much more. Blogs typically display first the contents most recently written.
  • E-commerce website – An ecommerce website allows you to sell goods or services online and collect payment via an online payment system. You should download and install an e-commerce app for WordPress to expand the default WordPress feature, or you can have an online shop on your website.
  • Business website – Many businesses will benefit from having an online presence in the form of their own website. If your business needs a website for customers to learn about your company and what you have to offer, WordPress is an excellent option. Customers can contact you, ask for a quote, schedule an appointment, and much more.
  • Membership website –​A membership website allows you to put content behind a paywall or an account login. To access pages or posts, users must log in or pay for the content. WordPress may also use external extensions to manage the community pages.
  • Portfolio website- ​Display off your artwork, design abilities, and more with a WordPress-based portfolio website.
  • Forum website – A forum website can be a helpful place for users to ask questions or share advice. Believe it or not, there are many websites running on WordPress forums.
  • Event website – Hosting an event? WordPress makes it easy for you to share your event details and sell tickets.
  • E-learning website – ​Students can take online courses, track their progress, download resources, and much more from an e-learning website. With a special kind of plugin called a WordPress LMS plugin, you can offer online courses from a WordPress website.
  • Wedding website – Share the details of your big day with a wedding website built on WordPress. With an array of WordPress wedding themes, you can get a website up quickly and easily.

When it comes to customizing a WordPress website, the options are infinite. WordPress themes and plugins will incorporate features and different design possibilities.

Is WordPress right for me? Here are some of the benefits of WordPress as a website platform:

  • Simplicity- ​WordPress enables you to quickly publish and build content on your website. Even as a newbie, you can use WordPress easily.
  • The expense is zero- ​the real WordPress program installed on WordPress.org can be accessed and used for zero. Nonetheless you would have to compensate for site hosting and a domain name.
  • Flexibility – WordPress helps you to build all kinds of websites, from personal forums and internet retailers to electronic newspapers and magazines.
  • Easy to use – ​If you can use a word processing software like Microsoft Word, you can use WordPress to build and manage a website.
  • Open-source software – WordPress is open-source software that is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), meaning it isn’t owned by a single company or entity. Hundreds of developers and users collaborate and contribute to the software to make it better. The spirit of open-source means constant improvements, accountability, and free usage for everyone.
  • No need to know code – WordPress removes the requirement of needing to know how to code in order to build a website. Although WordPress uses a number of coding languages, there is no need to learn what language to use WordPress.
  • Extendable with WordPress plugins – The core WordPress software can be extended with WordPress plugins. WordPress plugins are bits of software that you can upload to your website to add more features (such as e-commerce, SEO, backups, contact forms, and more). There are thousands of free WordPress plugins available on the WordPress.org plugin directory and a thriving premium (paid) plugins industry.
  • Highly customizable with WordPress themes- ​WordPress themes provide your website’s design and layout. By applying a new WordPress theme, you can change the whole look of your website with one click of a button. More advanced WordPress themes are more like page builder WordPress, giving you even more control over your layouts.
  • Website security –​While no website platform is 100% secure, WordPress security continues to improve with a vigilant security team of core developers and users. Common WordPress security issues are usually due to user error, rather than the software itself.
  • A thriving community of users and developers – When you have a WordPress website, you can also get involved in the greater WordPress community through your local WordPress Meetup, WordCamps, and more. The WordPress community has a reputation for being incredibly welcoming, helpful, and innovative.
  • A professional plugin and theme industry – ​While there are plenty of free plugins and themes, WordPress’s more severe domain owners invest in proprietary (paid) plugins or themes. Your purchase of a reputable premium plugin or theme helps pay for the ongoing development and support of the plugin or theme, including new features, security patches, and more.

WordPress is the most common Website design platform in the world. WordPress has the ability to create any website design, from a simple blog to a fully featured business website. As a website building platform and CMS, WordPress boasts an impressive feature set.

Here are just a few of the many features of WordPress.

BLOCKS: The WordPress Editor changes the way you create content using blocks: it converts a single document into a series of discrete elements with a simple, easy-to-tweak layout. The writer has an effortless familiarity with the web- and post-building. With blocks, multiple media and visual elements that used to require shortcodes, custom HTML code and embeds can be quickly added and customised.

There are many ways to connect a block, selecting the sort of block you like.

  1. Click the black + icon at the side of an empty block.
  2. Click the blue + icon at the top left of the editor.
  3. To create a new block below, tap the Enter/Return key from a selected block.
  4. Click the black + icon at the top center of an existing block to add a block above it.
  5. Click just above a selected block on the three dots and choose to add a block above or below the current block.

Moving Blocks : By clicking and holding the handle in the toolbar of the block that will appear when you hover over the left side of the toolbar, you can drag blocks around. You may also use the arrows up and down to push a block one place in the direction you like.

Configuring a Block : Each block has its own settings. Tap on a block to reach them and it should show a toolbar at the top of the page. You’ll also find additional settings in the editor’s sidebar to the right.

Block Settings – Toolbar :

Tap on the three dots on the right hand side of the block toolbar to locate additional choices available in certain boxes.

  1. Hide Block Settings removes screen preferences.
  2. Duplicate produces a second block and has the same material on the same tab.
  3. Before / After attach attaches a new row before or after the existing section.
  4. Edit as HTML moves the block to the HTML equivalent and you can change the Code right away. This alternative switches to the Document Visually when editing as Text.
  5. Add to Reusable Blocks allows you to create a block that can be used on other pages that retain the content and styling of the block.
  6. Delete Block Eliminates the block from your post / page.

Document Settings : The Report Preferences panel on the right hand side of the Block Editor is where you can attach tags and labels, pick a featured graphic, display and adjust the status of the article, and more — these are choices that refer to the document or article as a whole.

To change certain specific choices, press the down arrow next to every header in File Settings.

  • Status & Visibility
  • Document Revisions
  • Permalink
  • Categories
  • Tags
  • Featured Image
  • Excerpt
  • Discussion
  • Page Attributes
  • Publish

Block Settings – Sidebar : The Block settings on your editor’s right hand side can include various choices depending on what block you are using. The active block is a paragraph in the screenshot to the right, hence the choices involve adjusting text size, text and background color, and advanced options to make page hops or incorporate a CSS class.

Changing a Block Type : How do you choose to alter the form of the block? No problem … No issue! Each block can be transformed to another similar or related type of block. Turn an article into a heading, a number, or a quote for example.

Block Navigation : Many blocks are nested within other blocks (called their “parent” block) so you need an simple way to pick the block for your sibling. This can be useful if you can have some text inside a Column block and you need to select the Column block or if you have multiple buttons inside a Buttons block and you need to select the buttons block as a whole.

Removing a Block :
To delete a row, pick a row and right above it press on the three dots in the toolbar. You’ll see the option to remove that block in the settings there.

Block Patterns

  1. Block Patterns are a collection of predefined blocks, which can be inserted into posts and pages. There’s a block template for instance to insert three pictures side by side. To insert a pattern on a block:
  2. To attach a new line, click on the + icon
  3. Click the Templates tab.
  4. Tap on the template you intend to embed and the template should be embedded in the folder where your cursor is placed.

More Options : Customize the editing interface through the three dots to the right of the Settings icon to match the needs.

View : Provides choices for where the toolbars in the block work while editing.

Editor : By default, you’re in the Visual Editor. Move to the Script Editor to display the whole page in HTML code.

Tools : Manage current interchangeable columns, pass all material on another tab, or read about the shortcuts on the keyboard.

Options : Choose which settings for a document appear in the sidebar.


A WordPress design of your website, often including its layout. Changing your design changes the way your website looks at the front end, that is, what a visitor sees when they browse your website.

Starting from a bird’s eye view of WordPress design, it can be said that there are three main ways people prefer to use a WordPress design:

  1. WordPress as a ready-made solution: the consumer wants a simple response in this situation, and must easily upload and modify one of its various templates depending on their specific needs and preference.
  2. Customizing WordPress templates: you may make design improvements to the interface and elements used by all of us who choose to move further into configuration, alter certain graphic variables or introduce extra features by utilizing plugins or custom coding.
  3. WordPress from scratch: for people who are up for the challenge to design their template from nothing and then convert it to a WordPress design.

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What can designing do?
Design takes the content and data stored by WordPress and displays it in the browser. When you create a WordPress design, you decide how that content looks and is displayed. There are many options available to you when building your design. For example:

  • Your design can have different layouts, such as static or responsive, using one column or two.
  • Your design can display content anywhere you want it to be displayed.
  • Your design can specify which devices or actions make your content visible.
  • Your design can customize its typography and design elements using CSS.
  • Other design elements like images and videos can be included anywhere in your website. WordPress designs are incredibly powerful. But, as with every web design project, a design is more than color and layout. Good design improves engagement with your website’s content in addition to being beautiful.

Clients keep telling us whether they can use WordPress as their program or CMS for contents management. Basically, it depends on the site’s priorities and what features are required to achieve such objectives.
That said, WordPress is the perfect CMS for several of the businesses and organisations we meet. You can extend the WordPress functionality to fit most of the website needs of our client. There’s also a vast developer community out there that builds WordPress plugins for just about anything you can imagine.
Digital marketing today requires organizations to have a CMS that’s easy to use and does not hamper content and marketing objectives. WordPress is great in the following ways for digital marketing.

Content Marketing
Content marketing is a proven digital marketing strategy. Organizations produce content their audience can use and add it to their website or blog. Then, this content gets promoted through social, email, paid channels and more to reach the target audience.
Marketers can use targeted keywords and phrases in the content to drive search engine visibility. And the important material is beneficial to your target market on your website. This value helps to build backlinks – links back to the website – through social shares and other mentions.

Website Portal
While not a full fledged Affiliation Management Program such as iMIS, WordPress has a broad variety of plugins available (including an iMIS plugin) that can help you handle certain membership needs.
You will conveniently monitor the guests, provide solutions for event compensation and preparation, sell products, and many more.
Associations and nonprofits as well as small to medium sized businesses can use WordPress to create a community of brand evangelists.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
SEO is the process of optimizing your website and the links to it such that Google finds value based on certain keywords and phrases. You can use WordPress to improve your SEO considerably, based on:

  1. You can quickly check a page’s SEO power by using a plugin like Yoast, or configure the page title and META definition.
  2. WordPress removes some bottlenecks of publishing and ensures material can be revised more regularly. This would boost rankings.
  3. WordPress helps in-house content editors to broaden their collection. This is an extension of point 2. These editors, if invested in the success of the organization, are empowered to make changes on a regular basis which improves the SEO of the site.

Conversion – turning visitors into leads/sales – is easier with a CMS. You can track what content receives visits, shares, or comments and what does not. Then tweak the bad content or eliminate it and expand on the good content.
You can also track which calls to action work and which do not. With WordPress, you can try a variety of offers and calls to action. So, after identifying an offer/call to action isn’t working, you can replace it with something different that could produce better results.

WordPress vs Other Content Management Systems
There are plenty of CMS options out there. I recommend you do your homework before making a decision.
Most of our customers fit in perfectly with WordPress. While other content management systems have similar functionality to WordPress, some differences are glaring.

  • Cost – There is no license, because WordPress is open source. A proprietary system usually has a monthly or yearly fee. The number of WordPress developers accessible is indeed huge. Competition means competitive pricing. Of course, price isn’t everything. A large group of available developers also means you won’t be left stranded if your developer goes AWOL.
  • Portability – Since WordPress is built on a commonly embraced PHP and MySQL architecture, and it’s open source, it can be hosted virtually anywhere. And because it’s not tied to any package or proprietary system, you’re not stuck in some agreement you can’t get out of.
  • Flexibility –​ There are so many WordPress plugins that you can find one for just about every sort of feature that you need. And the many quality PHP developers out there can usually develop any custom functionality that isn’t supported by a plugin.
  • Longevity – ​With many CMS’s, an upgrade to the latest version is a major headache. With WordPress, it’s usually a day at most and sometimes just a flip of the switch. I would always advise that you check with your developer before updating.

Plenty of newcomers consider it hard to configure their WordPress website templates while beginning a site.
While many premium WordPress themes come with different page layouts, most of them are extremely difficult for anyone who doesn’t know code (HTML / CSS) to customise.
There are several great plugins for building drag and drop pages for WordPress. They allow you to create completely custom website designs in WordPress without writing a single line of code.
Because there are so many different plugins on the market for the WordPress page builders, we decided to compare and rank the top WordPress page builders, so you can choose the right solution for your needs.

Key features of Elementor Pro’s theme builder

  • Customize Key Theme Elements – Edit and build your own custom headers, footers, single post templates, archive pages, 404 pages, search pages and WooCommerce pages. You’ll also be able to create page templates with dynamic content. The builder itself even uses the same UI as the Elementor editor, giving the plugin a uniform design overall.
  • Pre-made Layouts – ​Elementor’s Theme Builder has numerous pre-designed layouts you can use as a starting point.
  • Customize Third-Party Themes – ​Elementor’s Theme Builder is more of a theme editor than a builder as it’s a plugin that requires a theme to edit. Still, it’s a powerfully unique product as it gives anyone the ability to customize parts of themes you would normally need code to change.
  • Display Conditions – Choose which templates display where with the Theme Builder’s include/exclude display conditions.
  • Drag-and-Drop Editor – Elementor itself uses a frontend editor that allows you to build beautiful web pages with simple drag-and-drop actions. It’s easy to use and requires no code, though developer options are available.
  • Additional Tools – ​Elementor Pro comes with a long list of features you can use to build fully-fledged landing and product pages, including dozens of content modules, hundreds of pre-made templates, a pop-up builder and WooCommerce modules.

Pop up everything with Popup Builder, create and maintain efficient modal popup promotion for your WordPress blog or website. Powerful and quick to use this plugin that will enable you to attract the eye of your guests to show your sales, deals or other promotional messages to them.
Popups are a strong targeting device, their conversion is impressively high. A site page that has a modal popup usually has more conversions without one than the same article. More specifically, a page with a well-designed and thoughtfully executed popup translates to a bad popup rather than one. With the Popup Builder plugin you can customize the look and the functionality according to your needs.
With the Popup Builder plugin you can insert any type of content, right into your Popup. Embed them into any page or a tweet, quickly and quick. Pop Ups that open automatically, are the best solution to attract your visitor’s attention. Apply any results to your Popup and don’t get missed by your client

Popup Builder – PRO features:

  • WooCommerce popup – ​display tailored popup deals based on the requirements of the WooCommerce cart: size, quantity of product, unique product.
  • Latest sales or social evidence – encouraging further promotions that reveal all your live promotions popups to inform the consumers about freshly bought products.
  • Browser login- ​open the authentication form within the browser.
  • Browser registration –​ Open the login form inside the browser.
  • Web Push Notification popup – run effective marketing campaigns through web push notifications.
  • Iframe preview – the URL you want to load inside an iframe may be configured and the preview loads the iframe.
  • Autoresponder (subscription plus extension) – submit tailored emails to your newsletter right after the user subscribes. Coupon codes may be submitted or connections downloaded.
  • Video popup –​ embed inside your popup YouTube and Vimeo videos.
  • Social popup- ​if you like to share / like your blog, this is a perfect form of popup. We also attached all the famous social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google Plus etc. to social popup.

In general , online retailers are more complicated than traditional websites, which is why not all page builder plug-in support WooCommerce. However, there are a few page builders that do come with built-in features for working with WooCommerce.
Most popular WordPress page builders function in very similar ways. They provide visual editor components, drag-and-drop functionality, and ready-to-go modules. For this comparison, however, compatibility with WooCommerce is a must.
A truly WooCommerce-compatible page builder will help you create custom templates for your products and other shop pages. This is especially helpful if your merchandise doesn’t fit neatly into the default WooCommerce product page structure.


  • WooCommerce Template Builder (Basic)
  • Option to select single product layout.
  • Option to select an archive page template.
  • Choice to create the WooCommerce sites with limitless custom templates.
  • 15+ Addons
  • Unlimited Color and Font Variations.

Sales Notification
This function enables the showing of real / fake orders through the selling alert or window. There is an option to manage the notification design within the dashboard.

Rename Label
WooLentor allows renaming labels for Shop, Product details, Cart, Checkout page text. For starters, attach text to the cart button and text fields on the checkout tab.
Call for price
You may have a product without any price. You should contact your client to ask the amount. We noticed several websites where the goods are advertised at no discount. We included some features for this sort of website. If anyone clicks from a mobile on the “Demand for Quality,” a consumer will reach you easily by phone call.
Suggest Price
Your customer can put forward a price for your goods. You can attach the button anywhere on the details page of your purchase. We put it on the right side of the add to cart button. If a customer clicks here, they will open a contact form to send the suggested price.
Special Day Offer
Banner There are many special days like Christmas Day, Diwali. These days, discounts and offers can boost the store sales. A banner will draw visitors’ interest and often raises a sales rate of 15-30 per cent. We recently installed a button to provide a promotional deal for the day.

A WordPress creator is one that can render WordPress custom plugins and modules. WordPress creator (the real one) will create a WordPress theme around it. A WordPress expert is someone who can do all of this, possibly not as well as the specialist listings. It can help you get the end product done by knowing the right plugins and themes for the project.
WordPress Developer is not someone who can create a WordPress plugin, because that can be done by anyone who is a PHP Developer. Could say: PHP Engineer or PHP Programmer specialized in WordPress Plugins.

Areas of Development
As far as WordPress creation goes, in addition to standalone apps, you can build each of the three main components above with the aid of the latest REST API, but more on that in a moment.
No matter what you want to do with WordPress, I would recommend that you follow a set path in your studies. The following list will help you familiarize yourself with the systems you need to know before learning more about your area of choice:

  1. Themes
  2. Plugins
  4. Core

A WordPress developer is a specialist who deals with the WordPress platform’s simple coding and technology, to enhance WordPress itself, or to build entirely new goods. WordPress engineers usually execute any of the following functions, or all of them:

  • Plugins and themes are developed and customised.
  • Developing WordPress core code and troubleshooting (i.e. the real WordPress software).
  • Act together with consumers to help plan and create their WordPress websites.
  • Ensuring the company services are properly managed.
  • Improving WordPress platform ‘s functionality.

Why you want to get involved in the development of WordPress
Beyond the fact that WordPress developers are rapidly in demand, there are lots of explanations why this area can be useful:

  • If you are an expert producer, and manage to find the correct area, there is good money to be created.
  • You may build a freelancer for WordPress. Which ensures you will be your own manager, operate from home and create your own timetable.
  • WordPress has a large group of people who are willing to help, which makes it easier to gain access to the resources you need.
  • The skills you learn (especially with regard to WordPress ‘s key languages) would be readily applicable to a large array of industries and niches.

WordPress Widgets add content to your Sidebars. Examples are the regular WordPress widgets; for groups, Tag cloud, Scan, and so on. Plugins often add their proprietary widgets.
Widgets were originally designed to provide the user with a simple and user-friendly way to design and structure control of the WordPress theme, which is now available on properly “widgetized” WordPress themes to include header , footer, and elsewhere in the design and structure of WordPress.
Widgets do not require experience with the code or expertise. They can be added to the WordPress Administration Screens, removed and rearranged on the Theme Customizer or Appearance > Widgets.

How to add the WordPress plugin
To add a widget to your site, you’ll need to log in to your dashboard, then navigate to Appearance → Widgets:
● Here, you’ll see a list of the default WordPress widgets, each with a title and brief description. On the right, you’ll find one or more designated widget areas, with headers to tell you where they’re located.
To add a new widget, simply click on it and drag it over into a widget area:
● You can do the reverse to remove widgets from your site. And you can also drag individual widgets up or down to reorder them.

In addition to the method above, it’s also possible to add widgets to your site using the WordPress Customizer. The process is quite similar, just located inside the WordPress Customizer. And the advantage of that approach is that you can see what your widgets will look like on the front end of your site in real time.
While the default WordPress widgets are sufficient for many sites, some users may want additional options. Fortunately, it isn’t hard to find plugins that will expand your collection of widgets. For example, there are a number of plugins that simply add a single new widget to your dashboard. These include:
WordPress Popular Posts: ​This plugin provides you with a customizable widget that shows off your most visited posts within a particular time range.
● Image Widget: With this widget, you’ll get a more flexible and customizable image module than the default WordPress option.
Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnails:​An upgrade to the existing Recent Posts widget, this one lets you add a thumbnail image to each post in the list.

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